Hill Country Nazarene

From the Desk of Pastor Jim—

I trust that all who were traveling for the Labor Day Weekend have returned home safely. Your absence was certainly noticeable this past holiday weekend. I hope you had a great vacation.

This Sunday we will all participate in a survey to provide input for the pastoral search. Our District leaders are praying and reaching out to prospects. We do not yet know when someone will respond or who they will be, but we are waiting on God's will to be accomplished.

Current Sermon Series

God's Mission - Our Mission

The Power to Witness: Acts 1:1-10
When Jesus gave the Great Commission, He promised us the power (Greek dunamis = ability to) to overcome any obstacles to sharing what Jesus has done for us. Read ahead, and be in prayer for me as I continue to develop this sermon.

Do This By Sunday!

Please complete your Spiritual Gifts Assessment by this Sunday's service. We want to assist you in being involved in ministries that correspond to your gifting and passion or interest.


Church Building Fund

Last Sunday we officially started the Church Building Fund. We are thankful for the offerings we have received. Please ask God what He would have you give on a regular basis for this need. Our building is now at the age where something is consistently in need of update or repair. Like some of us, it is getting a bit worn out! If we all give something on a regular basis we will be able to make normal repairs without having to ask for special offerings.

See You Sunday!

— Pastor Jim

Dr. Jim Russom

Office Hours: Th 9a-2p
719-331-0169 cell

Coming Up

  • 9/10 - Potluck, Pastoral Survey, Spiritual Gifts Assessment, Board Meeting
  • 9/24 - Alabaster Offering
  • 10/14 - All-Church Indoor Work Day
Wednesday Night Bible Study @ 7PM
Join us in studying 2 Corinthians;
ask Dennis Davison for more info at

Moving Help Needed!

Tristan Bonilla needs help moving from one apartment to another October 6 and 7 (Fri & Sat). If you can help, contact him (832-677-4528) or Mike Hedman (208-994-8348) for more info.

Prayer Requests

  • Pat Wilson: Pat is improving but still on a feeding tube. Please pray for continued healing and good news at her 9/11 checkup.
  • Susan Russom: Susan is still having trouble breathing after having a summertime flu.
  • John Glass: Caroline Hedman's dad is doing better, but kidney function is low.
  • The Unsaved: Pray for people who you know need Jesus, and for the opportunity to share what He's done for you!
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