Pastoral Search Process:  How does it work?

1. The District Superintendent examines resumes and contacts ministers to see if they are interested in making a pastoral move.

2.  Ministers and their spouses pray about it and get back to the DS with either, “Yes we are interested,” or “No, not at this time.”

3. Information on anyone who says yes will be given to the church board to pray about and discuss.  Then the board decides whether or not they think the prospect should be interviewed.

4.  Once someone is invited for an interview, they meet with the Church Board for a time of interview and Q & A. Sometimes they are asked to give the sermon during a Sunday service.

5.   If the board votes favorably to recommend the candidate to the congregation, information will be given to the congregation and a date will be set for a congregational vote.

All of this should be bathed in prayer. The goal is to seek the will of God regarding the matter of a pastoral call.

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