Help take down the Christmas decorations after church this Sunday!
Be Ready for Your Opportunity
Good afternoon Church! We have had a wonderful time together during this Advent and Christmas season. I hope we all have enjoyed time spent with family. As we begin to look forward to the New Year, let us remember that with the new year comes a new opportunity to be the people of God to those around us. We will begin to refocus and renew ourselves for those opportunities. As we are allowing God to prepare us for those opportunities, we must be obedient when He presents them. My prayer is that we continue to reflect God to our community.
Shalom, Pastor Donovan McMahan
Take Down the Christmas Decorations!
We're going to take down the Christmas Decorations after the morning service this Sunday, December 29. It will get done very quickly (half an hour or so) if we all help out. Many hands make light work!
Prayer Requests
If you have a prayer request you'd like to appear in the newsletter, please email the information to Pastor Donovan or to tech@hillcountrynazarene.com.
- Carl Rackley asks us to pray for Zane Chesser of Aransas Pass. She has cancer in her right kidney and is scheduled to have it removed on Dec. 30th.
- Please continue to pray that Caroline Hedman's parents can sell their business soon, and that God is in control of the whole process.
Discipleship Class
Want to know more about being involved in an intensive discipleship development course for the next 13-15 weeks? Give Patty Lefner a call at 512-716-9474. This can be a life-changing experience that will propel your spiritual growth to new depths and insights. You will never regret the time and investment in such an endeavor. You will experience a personal revival!
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Bible Study is on hiatus until the new year. Contact Dennis Davison at 512-554-6215 for more information.
Office Hours: M-Th 9 AM to 3:30 PM