The Gift of Independence

Our founding fathers said NO to the tyranny of an oppressive government and king. They demanded the right to live, worship, and govern themselves with benevolent, democratic leadership, and for a republic under God which would grant liberty for all. That declaration was paid for with blood, sweat, and tears.

One day God offered us freedom from the tyranny of sin. He offered us a Savior, Jesus, who bought our spiritual freedom with his own blood, sweat, and tears. All we had to do was repent and believe the Good News through Jesus Christ. Perhaps the Body of Christ in America needs to repent of not being bold enough in our witness, and too tolerant of ungodliness, so that we would hear from heaven and God would heal our land.

As we give thanks for our freedoms, let us also pray for a spiritual renewal in America so that we can keep our freedoms. Socialism, Marxism, and Communism are godless systems of government. Combine that with secularism, and you have a pathway to destruction. The battle is more spiritual than political. Let us celebrate and let us pray!
— Pastor Jim

Prayer Requests

  • Bill Wilson, as he has new health issues.
  • Wade Raquet, who is suffering with arthritis.
  • Jose Cavazos as he is being treated for two types of cancer.
  • Mike Hedman, who is interviewing for employment.
  • For several of our church families facing financial trials.
  • For the "ONE" whom God has placed on your heart.
  • For God's guidance in the pastoral search, and special blessing on the church board who are involved in this process.

This Weekend!

Saturday at 4 PM @ HCN:
Meet with Danette for Prayer Warrior Ministry. Pray about our church, its members, and anything else that is on your heart.

In the Works

  • A new 15-week discipleship class led by Patty Lefner.
  • Ladies' Movie Night featuring War Room.
  • Wednesday Night Bible Study will return this fall.
Dr. Jim Russom
Office Hours: Th 9a-2p
719-331-0169 cell
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