Dear Friends,
Thanks to those of you who shared how last Sunday's message was a blessing and help. I have learned a lot in preparing the messages for this last series. I had never preached on the post-resurrection passages before as a series. I found it helpful in my own journey to see how Jesus responded to the needs of people who were struggling with his death and resurrection. I hope you have discovered, in a fresh new way, that Jesus ministers to us the same way when we wrestle with doubts or things we do not understand.

This Sunday's message is titled "From Murderer to Missionary," the last in the series Final Instructions. We will study the conversion of the Apostle Paul found in Acts 9:1-9. We will also see how God used a disciple (not an Apostle or Deacon) but a Jesus follower to minister to Saul and prepare him for future ministry (9:10-22).

As I prepare for the next sermon series, God is leading me to preach from the Book of Acts. The next series will be called ACTS: The Mission of the Church. We will begin in Acts 2:36-40 where we see that we are to call people to repentance! The new series will begin on June 30.
— Pastor Jim

Prayer Requests

  • Bill Wilson, as he has new health issues.
  • Wade Raquet, who is suffering with arthritis.
  • Jose Cavazos as he is being treated for two types of cancer.
  • Mike Hedman, who is interviewing for employment.
  • For several of our church families facing financial trials.
  • For the "ONE" whom God has placed on your heart.
  • For God's guidance in the pastoral search, and special blessing on the church board who are involved in this process.

This Weekend!

Saturday at 4 PM @ HCN:
Meet with Danette for Prayer Warrior Ministry. Pray about our church, its members, and anything else that is on your heart.

In the Works

  • A new 15-week discipleship class led by Patty Lefner.
  • Ladies' Movie Night featuring War Room.
  • Wednesday Night Bible Study will return this fall.
Dr. Jim Russom
Office Hours: Th 9a-2p
719-331-0169 cell
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