The Harvest is Ripe - Workers Are Few.

This week I took some time to celebrate YOU! I was led to the Gospel of Matthew, where Matthew recorded the following:

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matt. 9:36-38 NIV

Matthew noted how Jesus had compassion on those who did not know that God loved them and cared for them: "He had compassion on them." The original language implies Jesus had deep inner feelings for them and pitied them. There are many people who do not know the Lord. Some of them are represented in our "One Box." When I saw the response of our congregation as they placed the names and initials into the box, my heart was stirred. I thank God for a congregation that wants to reach that "one more" who needs Jesus. Thank you, church family, for your obedience. I pray that opportunities opened up for you this week. — Pastor Jim

Prayer Requests

  • John Knight as he continues to recover from surgery.
  • Sandra Arnold, who is on the work and witness trip to Belize through 6/20.
  • Wade Raquet, who is suffering with arthritis.
  • Joy Taggart and family, whose grandmother passed away this week.
  • Jose Cavazos as he is being treated for two types of cancer.
  • Mike Hedman, who is interviewing for employment.
  • For several of our church families facing financial trials.
  • For the "ONE" whom God has placed on your heart.
  • For God's guidance in the pastoral search, and special blessing on the church board who are involved in this process.

This Weekend!

Saturday at 4 PM @ HCN:
Meet with Danette for Prayer Warrior Ministry. Pray about our church, its members, and anything else that is on your heart.

In the Works

  • A new 15-week discipleship class led by Patty Lefner.
  • Ladies' Movie Night featuring War Room.
  • Wednesday Night Bible Study will return this fall.

2024 Church Camps

South Texas NYI Camp July 1-5
Youth 6th to 12th Grade
South Texas Kids Camp July 8-12
Kids 1st to 5th Grade
If interested in attending ask Dennis Davison or Shelley Knight
Dr. Jim Russom
Office Hours: Th 9a-2p
719-331-0169 cell
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